The Water Wars
Cameron Stacher
I must say this one is quite different in the YA world. Nonetheless, quite creative! Full of action! Certainly not a dull moment! Once I started, I couldn't put it down! I could see this one being a movie.
Based on an apocalyptic world, where water is rare and treated the most valuable of all things. People get sick and die often, get captured, sold by criminals, etc.
Vera and Will do most everything together, but on a day when Vera was alone, waiting for the bus, she noticed a boy. How oddly he was drinking from a cup as if it was a casual thing. Then, he did the unthinkable, the illegal. He poured the last few drops on the ground. Intrigued, Vera walked over to meet him. He seemed as if he wanted attention. He Introduced himself as Kai.
Vera knew he was different. He wasn't like other people. He said his father was a driller. That meant money. And he didn't have to go to school. They would meet every morning at the bus stop. The bus would take away Vera and Will, a limo escorting away Kai, along with a bodyguard. Kai would come to often dinner too.
There's something special about Kai though. He can locate water with his nose. An extremely rare ability. Finally, one day when Will wasn't there, Kai took Vera to a small stream. Real running water!
The next morning, Kai wasn't at the bus stop. After school Vera and Will decided something must be wrong. It must have to do with Kai showing her the stream. They head to Kai's house only to find it trashed and abandoned. On their way out they almost get caught by Government Officials. Government Officials also looking for Kai. So if the Government didn't take him, who did? Vera must find out! And the real journey begins!
4 out of 5 stars. 256 pages. Published by Sourcebooks. Purchased at Amazon