Dear Teen Me
A collection of numerous authors writing letters to their teen selves.
Published by: Zest Books
Released on: October 30th, 2012
192 Pages
Rating: 4/5
The idea of writing a letter to your teen self is a wonderful idea. If only I could've done this and learned from the very letter that I addressed to myself... So many times you come across teens that "know" everything. Wait, I think that's all teens! And truth is, I probably wouldn't have even listened to myself. Reading Dear Teen Me brought up a very wide range of emotions. I found letters that I could cope with, letters containing mad humor, and letters with deep and heartfelt thoughts and suggestions. Reading letters by authors that you admire is way freaking fabulous in itself. The idea is genius and I loved every page and every story. I found things I assumed I would, and found things I never would've imagined. Deep thoughts, and heartfelt emotions. Going back through time and trying to encourage yourself to make better choices or to prepare yourself better for whats to come. If only, or get ready, or just listen... So many things can be said. So many things I wish I could've said to myself. But the truth is, I was so stubborn, I don't think I would've listened. And I really should've. I really wish I would've.
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Great review! I just started this and am only about 15% done, but so far I am really enjoying it. I love reading the letters that they have written to their teen selves.